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PRODUCTION NEWS. Gift wrapping of our feelings. Kraft envelopes with stamping.

14 Января 2010
Now and then we want to tell our nearest and dearest a lot of kind and nice words of love and gratitude..., but not all are eloquent. Or someone just feels shy to open – as sometimes it is so difficult to pronounce such a simple word – LOVE! And what to do if a dearest person leaves, and the main thing is not said? The most important essence is known by the pages of your diary – it is always easier to put everything on paper. So what to do? How to express our feelings?! Take them out of your heart and write on a pretty card or a piece of paper. Then enclose them into an envelope that is specially created by our production for such cases and seal it under the heart stamped on it.

Kraft envelopes with stamping are an excellent gift wrapping for your feelings on St. Valentine’s Day. Stamping is made from red foil in form of small and large hearts and indispensable symbols of love – cupids with arrows.

Your massage will definitely find response in those souls to whom it is intended!

It is interesting:

Hot foil stamping is a kind of printing used from the times immemorial, and its roots go deep back to the East (if to believe mass media). Prints are made on such materials as paper, cardboard, polymeric materials under high pressure by hot stamps with the help of colorful foils. Foil melts under high temperature and leaves metal impression on surfaces. It can be metal (golden, silvery, glossy or mat), with holographic prints or just imitate simple paints, It is used for decorating printed matters, attaching special eye appeal to them, attractive and expensive look as well as a mean of protection. Today’s assortment of polygraph foil makes it possible to realize the most daring designer ideas.
