COMPANY NEWS. Everything will glued! Glue gun.
27 Мая 2009
My greetings to you all!
Do you know that scientists have created the synthetic version of superglue which in the nature is used by ocean warms Phragmatopoma californica for building of "pipes" from sand and fragments of shells? Glue can stiffen in 30 seconds. It is expected, that in 5-10 years this glue can be used for treatment of broken human bones. (According to mass-media information).
The gluing theme and problem of instant hardening are also important for gift wrapping. And so, today I tell to you about a glutinous thermopistol … no, no, do not be afraid, we will talk about weapons somehow next time. Glue gun is an electric tool for work with thermoglue. The tool is intended for glue in the form of cylindrical cores. Cock-dozators provide controllable amount of glue through a heating element. Narrow "noses" allow to work with remote places.
So stop wandering about the Internet in search of ideas, take phone and order glue gun in our company. With it help you can decorate gifts of various sort, do greeting cards (drawing patterns or florets). With its help it is possible to paste the whole composition to dense paper, from cones or other elements, and it is already a real picture. It is possible to stick together fabrics, branches, polyfoams, and in general anything you like. If you are not satisfied by the results - glue can easily be removed from objects. So, as I have already told, stop doing everything and call us, we are waiting for your call, our managers with great pleasure will tell and show, how it is possible to apply the tool in household. Our thermoguns are the best and most qualitative!
With best advise,
Always yours, Dormidont!