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PRODUCTION NEWS. The gift wrapping allocated with light … Holographic bags

27 Августа 2009
No gift can be imagined without interesting gift wrapping. Today I want to offer you polypropylene bags with holographic printing as a very simple, effective, accessible way of decoration. Due to its high level of brightness and shine, as well as unordinary optical effects of holographic drawing, such packing will give special charm and fascination to your gifts! They are convenient as have no rigid design, and therefore it is possible to consider them universal packing... Using a package of the big size (70 х 50 cm) you can pack presents for schoolchildren, after all they will holiday soon - Day of knowledge! And they will also look showy at New year holidays’ time in Father Frost’s hands Big, capacious, bright! Gift wrapping bags with holographic printing are filled with tinges of pleasures, magic and light!

Inna Morozova