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PRODUCTION NEWS. Kraft bags with printing.

20 Августа 2009
Dear Friends!

Gift wrapping does not stop surprising us with the wide assortment. Anyway it is still difficult to find suitable, beautiful, functional packing for gifts, as frequently we need to pack "right here and right now". So we all face the necessity to use express gift wrapping. And what have you heard or know about the express gift wrapping? I belie ve, to the majority of us only know bags from different materials: paper, plastic, holographic.

Today our friendly team is glad to present new interesting express gift wrapping to your attention – Kraft bags. Kraft bags are presented in assortment in 4 sizes, that ideally approaches, as we think, for packing of such things as scarves, ties, bijouterie, charms, belts, books, CD and DVD disks, photo frames, various souvenirs. Their distinctive feature is a volume bottom and cone-shaped top with valve. Kraft bags can be easily and quickly decorated woven ribbons, raffia, cords, flowers. We hope, that our novelty not only will cause interest, but also assist us in necessary time by its convenience of express gift wrapping. We are looking forward to your opinion and responses! See you soon!
