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COMPANY NEWS. To the new season for new emotions. Bouquet ribbons

26 Августа 2009
The most interesting time is in between seasons. It is like a new stage of a life. Disturbingly, as if you open a door into an unfamiliar world. Who will you meet there? What feelings will you test, what emotions will have? The new collections of the coming season refresh you and give new impressions so that the world of beauty which you create, would become even more interesting and richer concerning the quantity of ideas, inviting new friends and admirers of your talent. Creativity brings pleasure to you, and gives holiday mood to people! Gift wrapping collections create images for you, each of them is a separate history, a bouquet of tastes and sensations. Not a mixed salad, but carefully picked up components: wrapping materials, accessories, ribbons. It should not to be limited to colour combinations, as impressions are made of many components, colour is among them, of course, it bears basic meaning, but also forms, texture, materials.

Bouquet ribbons are magnificent in many collections. In collection Belle Epoque/the Beautiful Epoch – it makes grandiose impression! Who could think about that? Usual polypropylene ribbons which are only widen, processed, given texture, added brightness in colour and metallized, became a decoration of gift packing collection - Belle Epoque/the Beautiful Epoch. Bouquet ribbons is waterproof, therefore flowers are its elements. It gives splendour and volume to any bouquet. Such ribbons can turn into fine flowers thanks to the flexibility and ability to hold forms. It can easily be separated into strips, which width is defined by you, it is braided in spirals. They become fine decorations of your bouquets. As bouquet ribbons perfectly will do gift wrapping. With its help it is possible to create remarkable bows-flowers, bows-balls and … to use it not only as an accessory of gift packing, but also as material. It is possible to pack small gifts with it help as its width is 10 cm.

Еlena Plyasova&Valentinka