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Tender declarations of love. Happy St. Valentine’s Day! Decorative hearts.

14 Февраля 2008
They are everywhere: various in sizes, materials, surfaces, colors. They give rise to different recollections and feelings. These sweet Hearts are all flying over the world like nice petals of a flourishing flower. Lovely Hearts are presents to our dearest in and of themselves. Red, pink, transparent – every one of them want to tell us its own story.
Red hearts – Love –hot, fiery, daring, deliberate. Love is universal passion that does not want to consider any limits, the conventionalities, proprieties, taboos and interdictions. It breaks free, carries away and swallows up in its rotation. It makes our hearts beat without restraint and our blood hammer in the temples as drum-roll. Love that vergers on imprudence and infatuation!
Pink hearts – Love – tenderness: the first, bashful, childishly naïve and timid. When holding each other hands we are unreal happy, when we invariably believe in miracles, and all riches of the world is not worth of a shy and awkward declaration of love, which will warm you up for a long time. The remembrances that damp down all offences and complications. Through such pink glass Heart we see everything in pink, enchanting color – the color of Your childhood and Day-dreams.
It is possible to take these colorful Hearts in hand and carefully look over playing with them and feel their energy as they possess the power of Love so the power of course.
Among colorful Hearts there is one sort of…
Pellucid Hearts – Love that is unrequited yet. They look like ice, as bewitched Kay’s Heart (a character of a well-known fairy tale). It is cold and lifeless like an icicle dangling lonely from a roof. But if it thaw out, it could be difficult to find a purer, lighter and truer Heart!
Let colors come into your heart and it will be filled with warmth and light. Share this light with those who are dear to you and loved by you!
Present very different Hearts! Gift them to each other! Give them to your dearest and nearest, colleagues and just passers-by. Let this day be decorated by them! Decorate your keys, belts, pens, cell phones, cloths, bags and rucksacks, photo frames with the pictures of beloved people with these hearts. Fix the colorful Hearts on greeting cards, presents and, of course, Valentine’s cards!
And there would probably be more warmth and Love in the world and lonely wandering and incessantly searching Half-Hearts will find their Halves and unite forever!
Eugenia N