12 Февраля 2008
Dear Friends!
Do you remember the words of Vertinsky’s song: “I have a dream – in San Francisco den a violet Negro is serving a coat.” Those times of a previous century melted in romantic gauze as only snow-white clouds can disappear in the blue fathomless sky. And only the music of souls is left - that magical jazz, in which it is possible to experience the whole epoch. Every note first keeps in tension then relaxes.
The purity of sounding and the originality of each instrument emphasize the specificity of voice that tells a story, every piece of music theme. Of course, it is the music of people’s imagination freedom that is always higher than heavy mundane bodies, which are used to certain canons and customs. We want to be in unison with those uneasy feelings that sweep over or instantly disappear. The flight of a petal, the falling down of heavy leaves. Morning birds’ fine singing and thundering of a departing train. Easy running towards the dreams and heavy creaking of coming old age. Jazz is not only the music of life but also the state of souls that we experience in the moments of their development and creation.
The collection of ceramic dolls “Life and Jazz” is the portrait of our feelings that we had in the best moments of life. Magnificent hair, stylish fashionable coats, huge eyes and splendid accessories of these dolls carry our remembrances from the bygone century into a new one, continue to sound individually and brightly. Every doll creates its own fine image, which is delighted and admired with its every small detail. Fragile and harmonious melodies breathe in the echo of favorite music chords. And if you feel like listening to real jazz tonight, it means that you are ready to create something unique and with all your heart.
Have a nice day!