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PRODUCTION NEWS. To change approach to gift wrapping. Kraft paper bags as preservation of nature.

04 Сентября 2008

When it would be desirable to receive pleasure not only from a good film, but also from a beautiful narration, the first thought that occurs to us is “ Аntonovka Apples ” written by Bunin. His skill to describe original nature and show all emotions and real sensations cannot but admire. And it is so good, that we do not need to think of complexity or intricacy of its plot, and it is not necessary to guess the possible development of events and main characters’ further. We simply absorb pure and beautiful Russian language and find ourselves in an unusual world of a Russian garden or a fresh pine wood. Though I am, perhaps, not quite right – there is a main character in the story and it, certainly, is! And it is not last serfs or vigorous landowners who lived hundred years our wonderful nature, and it not last serf or vigorous landowners who lived already till hundred years, and not petty bourgeoises who sold those apples. The main hero – our wonderful nature! What will it be in several years? Will there only be the descriptions from Bunin’s and Bianki’s books?
We especially cannot be indifferent to it as the major part of our manufacture is paper bags from a unique product of the nature. And though the paper for products is made outside our native land, but as they say, the world of nature does not know any borders and is far from politics.
The fact that the future of global flora is not only our matter has been proved once again by the recent visit of representatives of the largest paper manufacturer from Finland - " UPM "company. Our company NewPack extended hospitality to Mr. Per-OleHolmnas (Director on the Russian market) and Miroljubova (gift wrapping paper sales in CIS manager). The question was not only on business moments concerning delivery, price, quality, but also the opinions and experience about the important principles of environmental protection were discussed.
It is not a secret, that manufacture from ecologically certificated material of Kraft paper is growing in the Russian market. It is necessary to understand, what consequences from wrong planning can be. In fact trees are not carrots, term of completion of wood recovery is 60-100 years. To our happiness the Finnish  laws demand to plant and grow three trees instead of one cut down! Now a gain of wood in Finland is about 100 million cubic metres a year. And only 65 million cubic metres is being cut down. The UPM plant is situated in a large forest and consumes only wood which grows in immediate proximity from the enterprise and, having cut down one site, it fills it with new plants, and this is the way it works. At the site http://www.upmforestlife.com it is interesting to receive the information about forest life cycle and its inhabitants and friends.
The other big environmental problem is not only cutting down of woods, but also plastic waste products which for many years do not decompose and do for form organic fertilizers. It is important for our Company, that our clients understood, that packing is not only the reflection of our inner world, but also think of environmental consequences from its use.
The representatives of UPM company have been pleasantly surprised to know, that many Russian companies are changing their approach to packing, and replace plastic to Kraft paper. Kraft paper bags for «the Seventh Continent» company show that one more step forward has been made. Unusual smell of paper, texture - pleasant to touch, ecological clean material – everything is for Antonov apples. Love and protect Nature!
It is so easy to throw out a stub or a plastic bottle in a forest, certainly, but to maintain the fragility and essence of Nature is a more significant act.