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COMPANY NEWS. Transparency of relationship. Transparent film with spangles.

20 Октября 2008
In our media century there are no secrets left. We know all inside facts of the high and mighties: names of their dogs, stylists, where and what they wear and eat for dinner. The fact that we do not need to be aware of. But they constantly and insistently are given and presented us by all sorts of mass media. And the edge between permitted and unhallowed has been deleted.
And though some people try to fence off from all false rumors and gossips with the help of colored-glass of their limousines and sunglasses, nevertheless their life is so transparent that becomes public domain. But there is another kind of transparency that is necessary for people’s relationship, we can trust to each other.
Transparent film with spangles is an excellent variant for gift wrapping flowers and present as well as all-sufficient material or accessory. It is very thick that is why keep forms well which is important for making waves and folds in gift wrapping compositions. It also looks original in the form of ribbons or appliqué works on presents.