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The highlights of the week 07.04.-13.04.08. Articles review with Vitaly Naumov.

12 Апреля 2008
It is all very well that on one spring day in 1957 the researchers of the Air and Space Design Office decided to use a carrier rocket with a peaceful view and developed a pilot spaceship. It was even better that on 4 June 1960 the Central Committee of CPSU adopted a decree «About the plan of space development». And the best fact in all this that long before the aforementioned events on 9 March 1934 in the village of Klushino Smolenskaya area a boy named Yura had been born.
Those occurrences crossed wonderfully later on 12 April 1961. On that very day at 9 o’clock in the morning the plan of the Central Committee of CPSU was put into effect, the project of the Air and Space Design Office was realized and 27years-old Yuri Gagarin said his triumphal «Let’s go!» and cracked the door of universe. Having made a circle around the Earth and left an inscription on the stars «Here Yuri’s been», Gagarin returned to the Earth and made all the planet inhabitants admire him.
It was decided to celebrate that outstanding event as the International day of aviation and cosmonautic. Evennow 47 yearslaterweenjoyedthisspringholiday. If before towns, areas, moon craters and asteroids were given the name of Gagarin, now the Continental Hockey League decided to define its highest prize as – Gagarin’s Cup.
Our best wishes to you!
And as always the results of the previous week. 
A book-store is a mysterious place, where you can spend half a day and leave it with a good pile of books.
Notwithstanding the progress in the modern world, books remain a kind of magic, in which it is possible to be lost deeply in thoughts. Moreover, you can share your feeling and impressions with your friends and people you love. Lots of films and plays have been made after some famous books, but only books can deliver that impression, emotions and bright colors that experience readers while turning the pages.
People smile more, make acquaintances and fall in love easer in spring, when the Sun shines tenderly, fresh juicy green grass come out of the warm earth. We want to prolong this fairy, merry and enthusiastic mood! It is so nice to see smiling people of big cities all the year around. Alas only the first sunny caress of spring can give us such pleasure, in summer the heat from the Sun weary and the feeling pass out of mind.
There are things that do not become out of date. To put it more precisely - become old-fashioned. They do not their Zeitgeist, they live with us, share our problems, are glad to be in our hands and feel sad hanging on racks. They go shopping with us and seek adventures in long trips. Designs, colors, materials are the matter of individuality, but in any variants bags are always in our life.
As you know «PrintWeek» magazine regularly publishes articles about our Company. This time in issue № 6 2008 there is an article about the production of gift wrapping papers. The main accent of the article is made on our efforts to develop this sector in Russia in spite of the fact that now it is more profitable to buy the ready papers abroad. There are not many orders for producing gift wrapping paper as we expect. Unfortunately, the Russian people’s mentality does not allow them to think about gift wrapping paper as an additional source of joy and a possibility of present individualization. Presents look nicer when they are wrapped in unusual paper…
You may ask what that «decoupage» means? As not many of us know its meaning. If translate it word for word it means «excision».
Decoupage is a longstanding technique that has recently become fashionable again.
Decoupage is scrupulous excision of pictures, paper stripes that are glued to the surface, which you want to decorate. After that the ready compositions are lacquered to protect it. The technique is time and patience taking and a lot of attempts should be made before you are satisfied with the results.