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COMPANY NEWS. Important information about the site. Part 2

15 Марта 2010
Dear friends!

I invite you to continue an exciting journey into the world of Gift Wrapping! If you remember, it was launched in August last year and devoted to sections of our site - Search, Advanced Search, FAQ. Today we are going to acquaint you with another major sections.

If you can not come to us, to our wonderful demonstration hall, the site gives you an amazing opportunity, without leaving your home or office, visit the sub-titled, which is located in the section Company. The photos of the Hall in accordance with proper seasons are exhibited there. Through the website, you can order products that you like. In the section To Order of the main menu there is sub-options orders. You can use one of them:

1. Internet store or Catalogue.
The complete assortment of our products is presented here. To make an order, you should be registered in the Register section. It is in the right part of the site underneath the Personal Cabinet. After filling in the form a password to enter the Personal Cabinet will be sent to your e-mail. Using it, you can view your orders and your history. It is very simple to make a reservation. To do this, in the catalog you should select the desired groups and subgroups, such as cardboard boxes, Kraft with decor. Choose products from the catalog and in the cell over its image affix the required number - either by hand put a figure, or adjust it using the arrows. Information regarding minimum party is given under the picture. Then add the item to the shopping cart. The same product can be ordered by going to the final page with the product, which shows the full information about the product. To do this, click on the small image.

2. Client program.
With the help of the instructions offered there, you can download and install the orders to your computer. Thanks to it, you are tracking the amount of the order created by editing the invoice. Formed and sent the order, you need to contact a manager of regional sales department (phone numbers are presented here) to confirm the order receipt.

3. Send price list (order).
You download the price list to your computer, affix in a special box (on request) the necessary quantity of this or that product and send it via a special form, which is in the same section of the site. In the price list photo goods are submitted.

Уou can refer to the working environment the section Company.

Every day there is "fresh" news at the site, which is written by the Company’s employees. News is classified as Company News, which tells about a new product and interesting events in the Company’s life, as Production news, which highlights new products of our manufacture and as School news, a discussion of new courses and materials for creative work. Interested persons can receive news by e-mail. To do this you need to go to the main menu in the New section. In the right bottom of the site the socket with a subscription to the news. You can subscribe to all the news as well as selective, clients can use the appearing menu.

We would also be happy if our customers or partners wish to express their views, share experiences, tell their stories about the use of our products. We are always ready to provide the news column for that.

We are waiting for you at our site!